Thursday, August 10, 2023

Canada, Caught Between Metric and Imperial Measurements

Winnipeg, MB

Francis enjoying his posh Winnipeg bed.

Canada You Crazy

When you drive into Canada things change.  The street signs change a bit, the speed limits change to KPH, and there are fewer people. But their measurements seem to flip flop depending on where you look. I understand the Metric vs. Imperial battle and I understand that The US is one of the last Nations all in on Imperial measurements but Canada seems to be caught in the middle. probably because of us (The US).  I know there are more examples but here are a few that I have seen in 2 days.

Canada is on The Metric System right?  What about this?  Oh and yes this is the garage that is giving us such a headache.  We can't find monthly parking anywhere.  (Donna is fixing that right now I think)

At least they are firm on the whole Celsius thing. 

until they aren't.

Here it's like they are ashamed of Metric.  Pounds is the prominent price and then Kilos is relegated off to the side.  On a side note, these are Chayote Squash which are popular in Louisiana.  We bought them in Baton Rouge for 5 cents each.  Who says things in Canada are cheaper?

See?  5 cents.


This morning we drove to a nearby Asian grocery store.  It was close and there are a lot of good easy recipes we can make with ingredients we can find there.  It's always fun to see grocery stores in other areas.

The biggest cleanest peeled carrots you ever did see.

Hard pass!

We can start our export business.  Apparently there is a Siracha shortage.

Words to live by.

He looks nice but I don't want to buy poison fish from him.

It really saves time putting the ketchup "flavour" right on the chips.
That's another thing, Canada has so many extra letter Us that they can just put them in words willy nilly like Flavour and Colour.  What would The US do with all of these Us if we didn't have to use them all in the word United?

It was a successful outing and now we have food.

 Pinball Tourney in Canada!

Last night I played in my 5th IFPA sanctioned pinball tournament and in my first tournament in Canada (the I stands for International).  There were 20 players and most of them were regulars.  There appears to be only one place in the area to play in tournaments so I am sure they were regulars on the machines at Phantom Amusement.  

Something tells me they all know each other and play in the same league...

Hot Pinball Action!

I ended up coming tied for 5th place out of 20.  4 players got to advance to the final round so I was close.  There was at least one game where I barely lost so things could have been different.  I had a lot of fun and the Tournament Director kept coming by asking if I was having fun.  The pinball community in Winnipeg is small but excellent.

Post Script on Parking

This entry is late today because Donna and I have been solving our parking problem.  This morning I noticed someone had attempted to break into our car so we ramped up the search for parking and removed the monetary cap we had set because anything is cheaper than a broken window or stolen van.  

Telltale marks on the chrome trim around the window.  To be fair, it could have been a chipmunk trying to get in to get a dropped potato chip but I doubt it.

Hard to see marks on the window where they tried to lower it.  At least they didn't break it.

At about 9:30am Donna finalized a contract to get us parking through September.  The plan was to pay and then walk over and kindly ask them to refund us for the months we weren't going to be here.  5 minutes after the credit card payment went through our Airbnb Management Company contacted us and let us know they had a  parking spot available on the 7ft side of the garage.  This was good news but also annoying because Donna had to suggest this to them in order for them to do it.  After making sure the van fit in the spot, spoiler, it did, we walked over to the parking company and pleaded with them to cancel our parking order.  We didn't have to plead though.  We explained our situation and they said they would cancel and give us a refund.  Now we wait for promised refund.  Hopefully this headache is behind us now and at least the car is safe.

That's it for today.  If you missed Salutations de Winnipeg  Greetings from Winnipeg read it!  It will give you more context for this post.

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