Friday, June 30, 2023

Surgical Science Museum

 Chicago, IL

The International Museum of Surgical Science

Today we met Jeff here at the house and then took 2 busses to breakfast.  We wanted to find a good breakfast place sort of in the area of the museum and Reddit delivered.  Sam and Georges (S&G) has been serving breakfast 7 days a week for over 60 years.  It was a good stop.  I don't think I would drive an hour to go there but it was the right thing, in the right place, at the right time.

After breakfast we walked to the Brown Line and took it a few stops and then walked towards Lake Michigan.  The International Museum of Surgical Science is housed in an old building near the lake.  We all had an ASTC reciprical pass so we got in for free.  It was a pretty cool museum.  

The museum has a room set up to look like an old pharmacy.  The pharmacist tells you about how he has to make the pills and foot powder.

Jeff and I spotted an early version of Diablo just below the Ping Pong.

Miguel Servetus - Count Gergorio Calvi di Bergolo
He was burned at the stake by Calvinists. In 1553 he published Restitutio Christianismi, a theological treatise in which he also showed how blood flows from the heart to the lungs-pulmonary circulation of the blood. Servetus soon came into conflict with both the Calvinistic reformers and the authorities of the Roman Catholic Church for his religious writings.

"And a good day to you sir!" - Walter Sobchak (The Big Lebowski)

I don't know what this is so I decided it was a Diablo 4 Legendary Mace

The Books were wrapped in paper to preserve them.  The building isn't humidity controlled.

Either they can't read or can't follow directions.  Photo Credit - My Friend Jeff.

Different Calculi or Kidney Stones.  Donna called them People Pearls.

Creepy Uncle Sam Needs You!

"The Meds Go In The Mouth Hole"

The toughest Geisha you ever did see

Various staples and sutures. Originally they used ants with big mandibles.  The mandibles bit down on the flesh and then they removed the body of the ant and the jaws stayed shut.  

Shoe-fitting fluoroscope machine.  During the 20s to the 70s these machines helped determine if shoes fit correctly when you were in a shoe store and also had the side benefit of dosing you with dangerous radiation.  I will stick with the "wiggle your toes" method.  

Proper use of choreiform 

Art made out of needles and blood test strips in the Diabetes room

The old Bone Breaker

to fix legs

After the museum we walked back to The Red Line and took it back to our place.  We hung out a bit watching YouTube and then went to Revolution Brewing for dinner where Jeff and I did a little beer share with their barrel aged stouts.  After dinner watched The NHL draft and then Jeff headed to his airport hotel.  It was a fun few days and always enjoy meeting friends on the road.

I wanted to make sure I had a selfie for the blog.

Death's Tar 2021 and 2022.  The consensus was that the 2022 was better.

That's it for today.  If you missed Deepdish and Guitars check it out.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Deepdish and Guitars

 Chicago, IL

Playing games

Hanging with Jeff

Today was a full day with our friend Jeff who is visiting.  He flew out to see Chicago with us.  He had 2 checklist items, eat deep dish pizza and go to a specific guitar store so that's what we did and it was really fun.

This was our first time at Paulina Station and there was cool art there.

The pizza place was chosen both for its proximity to the guitar store and the quality of the pizza.

We opted for the slices that were already made.  A freshly made pizza would have been 45 minutes.

The chosen guitar store was Chicago Music Exchange.

Somewhat pricey vintage guitars.

The repair shop downstairs

All of the Base Guitars were in The Basement.  Makes sense!

Anyone for a Moog?

After pizza and guitars we decided to go to Dovetail brewing and have a beer and bring a card game that Jeff brought.  On Wednesdays you get 15% off your bill at Dovetail if you bring a game or a hobby.  Today was Tuesday...  

Later in the day we headed back to Jeff's hotel to check it out.  It's a converted Athletic Association.  It leans into sports and games and seems pretty cool.  It's also in a great location.

We were all pretty tired so we called it an early day to save energy for tomorrow.  If you missed Ticking More Chicago Checklist Items, check it out.  We rode the People Mover at Chicago O'Hare Airport.