Monday, July 4, 2022

A Few Creatures Great and Small

Princeton, TX

Tomatoes are coming in nicely despite the crazy (aka normal) heat

Visiting family and their pets

This morning we drove out to Sharon's place near here to visit with her while she did some pet chores.  We got to visit her chickens and garden (a garden isn't really a pet, or is it?) and I got to see a new bird for Texas, The Eastern Bluebird.  Next we drove out to Princeton to visit the stable where she keeps Simon.  It's a huge property and there are a few lakes so we birded there too.  We went from 25 species in Texas yesterday to 37 today adding birds including Little Blue Heron, Green Heron, Great Blue Heron, Great Egret, Cattle Egret, and Killdeer.  

After birding for about a half and hour we accompanies Sharon while she visited Simon her horse and gave him some meds and cleaned his hoofs of mud and not mud.  I was taken back to the days of working on My Horse, not a horse that I owned but My Horse the iPhone and Android App.  After the horse chores were done it was time to head back to Sharon's and see her other pets. We got to meet Sharon's rabbit and all of her Guinea pigs that she and her daughter Erika breed and show.  This coming weekend we are going to a Guinea pig show with Sharon and Erika and will be able to experience and then report on the pageantry that takes place.

Oh the chickens!

We don't get to meet chickens very often

A free range horse on the farm we visited

Baby cow!

Donna and Sharon contributing to the wire waggon

This horse must be a super hero by night

Donna fed the stable kitty 

Even stables have legalese.

Don't touch my Red Bull

This saddle blanket gives you +5 energy I think

Sharon leading Simon out

Donna got to give Simon treats

Hoof cleaning

Donna was excited to hold a Guinea pig

Fun Fact! When Guinea pigs have babies they aren't called New Guinea pigs

Water water water water

Sharon took this one of us hamming it up in the field

After our farm and family visit we headed back to the Airbnb and I figured out some adventure days for us.  

If you didn't read about yesterday's adventure, you can get to it here.

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