Sunday, July 31, 2022

McKinney to Tulsa via Paris and Tiki in OK

 Tulsa, OK
We stopped by and photobombed the Eiffel Tower in Paris

Road Trip to Tulsa

This morning we got up and finished packing the car.  We headed north east to Paris TX.  We drove through the downtown area and then over to the Eiffel Tower to take photos.  It is located in the Love Civic Center along with The Red River Valley Veterans War Memorial Museum and a convention building housing a gun and knife show.  

Multiple Hot Air Balloons were out for our final morning walk in McKinney

Gay Paris!

The Eiffel Tower is less than 1/10 the scale to the original in Paris France but the hat makes it taller than the Eiffel Tower in Paris Tennessee.

The War Memorial had sections for each war including The War on Terror

Too many names

There were quite a few black tablets that were empty and ready for future wars and future names.

2001 to ???

The local scouts will burn your tattered flag

Change and an atlas, this was taken in 2022, I promise.  We took the Indian Nation Turnpike.

We got quite a bit of rain on the drive which was a nice change.

Downtown Tulsa

Our hotel is about 7 miles south of Tulsa so we drove into Tulsa and parked so we could walk around and see their famous Art Deco.  They have done a great job putting together a self guided walking tour.  Many of the buildings have been restored on the inside but all of the buildings we tried to see were closed for the weekend.  It was still cool walking around and reading about the Art Deco features.

1926 Trinity Episcopal Church is a great example of Gothic Revival and it has stained glass windows featuring Evil World Leaders of the 20th Century including Hitler.  We didn't find the windows

Tokyo OK is going on this weekend. 3 days of Anime and cosplay.  We saw Hollow Knight cosplay.

After exploring downtown, we headed to our Home2 Suites hotel to check in.  We got unpacked and settled and then set Francis up for his afternoon nap while we headed back to Tulsa via Uber to explore some of the local flavor.  

Tiki in Tulsa

Our first flavor stop was The Saturn Room.  One of the things we want to do is visit a Tiki Bar in every state so now we have Oklahoma.  It was a great space and the drinks were good.

After Tiki we walked to our dinner location.  We headed to Red Light Chicken.  The walk to Red Light Chicken took is through the Arts District.  The walk was great and there was a lot to see.  We arrived at Red Light Chicken and found that they had a few beers available and really great fried chicken.  The space was really cool too.  


Woodie Guthrie was born near here in Okemah Oklahoma.

Artificial Cloud by Bob Haozous at The Center of the Universe .  We both tried the echo at the Center of the Universe and the effect is fantastic.

The former Tulsa Union Depot is now an office building

The bus stop shelter.  We hope to use one tomorrow

A mural of the Tulsa Flag

Their motto is awesome


They used a chicken shaped paperclip to clip the bill to their post card

After dinner we headed back to where we started but we took a different route and took more photos.  

The Tulsa Drillers were playing at home.  They are the AA Affiliate of the LA Dodgers.  The stadium was small but looked really cool.  There were people pouring in for the game against the Arkansas Travelers.

Our last stop of the evening was at Valkyrie.  This was one of the best Craft Cocktail places we have been to in recent history.  The service was great, the bar tenders were great, the drinks were great, people were having fun, and the space was really cool.  Donna mentioned that it felt alot like a San Francisco Bar which is a compliment.

Die is The in German so the tattoo says, The Bart The

I took a few more photos while waiting for our Lyft

We had a great afternoon exploring Tulsa.  Tulsa is really a fantastic city and we are looking forward to seeing more of it tomorrow and possibly in the future.

Check out yesterday's post if you didn't see it.